Monday, May 24, 2021

Row 3 tatami 4

It has been raining almost constantly for over a week now so there hasn't been much digging and progress on the row-making front. But I am still ahead of schedule, as it is still May and I finished the forth tatami mat.

also the first 2 mat lengths of clover have germinated

A couple days ago when I was digging away while listening to music, for an instant I happened to straighten up and stretch and look around, and saw a young boar who just had entered Mr.K's land. The boar seemed equally surprised to see me, and not sure what to do, so I moved very very slowly to the side and looking for a high place to run to in case it got aggressive. Alas, I didn't find any suitable place as I have chopped down all trees nearby. Lucky for me it was not in the mood and just ran along and hid in the woods. But for a moment there my heart was racing like crazy. After that I don't listen to music while digging... and keep an ear open for any wild animals that may come near.

The mikan saplings are doing so so, I go over them a couple times a week and remove any spider webs or flowers or bugs that may be munching on the leafs. I have spotted 2-3 tiny white flies which I killed. And 2 of the saplings had mealybugs that I got rid of, one of them had borrowed quite deep into the main branch of the sapling. I hope it recovers. I will order some neem oil to spray the saplings, since I saw it really helped with the trees at home.

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