Monday, October 8, 2018

Just chilling

It was a long weekend, and to be honest not much to do. I found a used final fantasy PS4 game for cheap and bought it. I had to waste about 5 hours just to run it because I must download and update stuff. Thanks again Sony. Then it turned out after searching for a couple of hours, that either stupid sony or retarded squarepants had removed the language pack to the game from all their stores, so I had to settle with Japanese. Which is no problem except after an hour of playing the game turned out to be pure garbage. Great. Half a day wasted.
Back to the garden topic... I have neglected the pond, and it has really paid off. It looks real natural.
Yesterday we went for an all you can eat yakiniku lunch, and after 1,5 hours I was very round and about to explode. Came back home and decided to use all the energy from the meat to deal with the bed nearest the kitchen. Basically to remove the tomatoes, cut down the tree, and make the bed longer.
I think the tomatoes have had their run. No leafs left...
I started by sawing off a couple of branches on the tree. The picture above was taken after that, when I remembered I should have a before picture.
The leafs on the tree are more or less dry so I proceeded to put them in the compost bin. Halfway through though the bin was completely full, and I had to finally deal with what I had postponed for a while now... to dig in the second compost bin.
So I abandoned the "elongate the bed" project and jumped on the "install the compost bin" project.
Originally I was going to dig it just behind the first bin, but seeing how inconvenient and hard to access it would become, plus I had to cut into the roots of the fruit tree there, I decided to reclaim some land to the right of the first bin, i.e. dig into the bushy area at the entrance to the garden.
No big loss, cause those bushes are just flower and shit and they grow like weeds anyway, plus I always wanted to get my hands on those running roots.
Spent a couple of hours cutting bushes and pulling out roots, and cleared out enough space to place the bin on, next to the path. The bushy area looks less bushy as a bonus.
Dug in the compost bin, put in the rest of the leafs in it, and realized I should postpone the elongating project as it was getting dark and the mosquitoes were starting to show interest.
Forgot to take a picture of the bins...
In the evening while surfing around I learned about myiasis... and boy is it nasty stuff. Especially in the mouth and ears.
Later when I caught myself with my dirty-post-gardening-nails-probably-full-of-insect-eggs fingers scratching inside my ear, I jumped up and washed my hands thoroughly.

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