Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Time travel with Google Maps

When I took a ride to the "countryside" of my countryside town, I used Google Maps to navigate around. And saw by chance that they have updated their satellite picture of my home.
First though, a bit of history...
March 2011
The orchard next door looked kind of barren, at least weed wise. There seems to be structure to the land and there are many beds arranged there. Amazing how chaotic everything gets after a few years and the nice fields turn into jungle. On my plot it's just empty except for the big tree and the row of trees along the southern fence. I can't see the fruit trees (maybe they were still too small) or the blueberry, but there is something there.. could be the tiny bed where the previous owner planted roses. Note that the line between the orchard and my plot is very clear.
March 2012
No big change. Looks like the rose bed has moved. So maybe it's not a bed. Maybe a barbecue? Maybe a mini-tractor they used to till? Who knows. There seems to be a white limo at the end of the street, hehe.
The slope on south which leads down to the railways is still quite clean. No jungle there yet. The beds in the orchard are still there but the lines are starting to look sloppy.
March 2014
Two years later, and the limo is gone. The row of trees along the south side fence are growing taller, and on the other side of the fence a jungle is starting to form with weeds. In the shade of the big tree a white corpse can be seen. Or is it a ghost? no idea
October 2015
Maybe it's the seasons when the pictures were taken though. Maybe the jungles were there earlier. Anyway, a year later after the summer growth the south of the fence is a proper jungle. Can't see the orchard for all the leafs but I assume the jungle is established there as well. On my plot there seems to be just lawn. Can't really distinguish blueberries or fruit trees because of bad image quality.
February 2017
A year and a half further on. Just after winter, the same year I bought the house. I can't see the rose bed or any other beds so they must have put those in that same year.
And finally, over a year later, after my move in:
May 2018
The pond is there, and the paths version 1. The roof and the house is painted and look nice and clean. The big tree is gone and so is the row of trees along the fence. Of course the chicken coop and the run can be seen too. 

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