Monday, May 11, 2020

Creeping on...

Whenever the weather prediction is not sunny nor rain, that is when I take the opportunity to dig a little further. I thought I had loosened out all the roots but during my cleanup work I hit a big one that somehow had avoided being taken care of. So I hit it a few times with my pickax, which shattered it to pieces and I could remove it with the shovel.
My last blow was probably a bit too hard cause it also broke the ax handle...
I guess it had to happen sooner or later
After a couple more hours, this is what the site looks like:
So beautiful
Every meter the zero-roots area expands gives me such humongous hard-on, eh... I mean motivation to dig more. Nevertheless, it is tough tough work and I can`t rush it or do too much unless I want to break myself.
On the home front, the garden has gone into jungle mode again. I keep the weeds down as much as I can but the rest pop up so there is a kind of balance. It`s a weedy sort of garden. Actually I noticed by accident that the bugs that usually eat my vegetables are concentrating on eating the weeds this year. Maybe it`s a good thing that I am not able to get rid of all of them...
On the right, fig tree with 5 huge figs. Left: Mikan in full bloom
Every day I can pick a couple of strawberries which is cool considering I thought they had been extinct. This morning I picked 3 nice ones, but also found on the ground 6 butts of big red ones that had been eaten clean. Something is picking and eating the ripe berries. I am not sure if it is birds, or if it is another civet... I am going to watch the ripening berries closely and see if they get eaten during the day/evening or night. That should narrow the suspects down a bit. Whatever it is, it has the good taste to eat the whole berry and leave the butt on the ground.
One of the stray strawberries
Maybe I should just give up growing things that are delicious and appear above ground. Or maybe I should cover them with see-through vinyl or net. I will think about it later. One thing is sure though, I have lots and lots of green peas now.
Peas. The only animals stupid enough to eat them are human vegans

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