Tuesday, July 3, 2018


My second go at passion fruits seems to go better than last time. The last time I planted the sapling near the wire fence, unprotected by the strong wind, in shallow and very poor quality soil with lots of bamboo weeds around it. Needless to say, the poor thing fought and fought but finally gave up and died after a few months, not having grown that much.
This is what my new passion fruit patch looks like.
Climb, my beauties!
Those with good eyes can spot the couple of tomato plants growing on the right side of the passion fruits. Somehow some tomato seeds must have made it through the compost which I put in the soil before planting the new passion saplings. The passion fruits seem to now have established and climbing for all they're worth to the netting. I need to put more netting higher up soon for them to hang on to. Wonder if I will see any flowers this year.
Otherwise not much. I get a LOOOT of blueberries everyday. Fruit and berry wise, my garden covers the spring and summer at least now. First came the strawberries in spring. If I manage to make the strawberry patch survive the winter, next year there shall be much more berries. Right after the strawberries time was over, the mulberries kicked in and I got lots of real yummy berries there. The bush/tree will need pruning in the winter. It is growing real fast. After the mulberries were done, about a week ago, just then the blueberries started popping up. I also had a few plums that actually made it out of literally hundreds due to disease. But those few were so sweet and delicious. Hope to save the next year's fruits better and reduce the disease damage.
The plum tree with its last fruit.

Still to come in the future years are cherries, peaches, yuzu and mikans, pomegranate, nuts, figs and grapes. And of course, passion fruits.
I still have the long strip near the entrance that I am not sure what I should do with...
The flower strip
Right now there is roses, lilac, jasmine and some other random flowers. But it's pretty big and it ends with this huge flower bush that attracts bees which is good. But there is a lot of weeds too.
The neighbor jungle's trees drop lots of leafs and fruits on the strip which roll down the slope. I think the soil is good quality. And it faces south, although it is shaded by the house most of the day...

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