Monday, December 10, 2018

Garden snoozing

Gradually it has gotten colder, and although the delayed cold at first confused some the trees so much that they started blooming and even fruiting (the lilac started budding anew, and yep, I found 1 big berry on the little mulberry tree), now they are all finally going to sleep.
Some of the veggies still thrive. Surprisingly the mini tomatoes, the peppers and the eggplants have not sang their last songs...
still going strong
and I can still go out and grab a handful of fresh tomatoes from the freezing cold garden any day.
Still sweet, and still the kittens like to watch
The carrots are now shaping and I already picked up 3-4 so so sized ones. Very very delicious.
Although one had this weird shape.
The round tiny one in the picture, even though on the surface it looked bigger, its roots somehow had not developed as much...
The daikon patch is not exactly successful... but one or two have started to look like daikon.
Not sure when to pull it out though
I'm gonna let it be there a long while to see how big it gets. The broccoli are now blooming, tiny tiny green flowers are forming.
still lots of leafs
Oh, here is a picture of the walnuts losing their leafs and going to sleep. Almost invisible again.
the salad leafs decided to grow out now
The "main" bean patch doesn't look so main. Most of the broad beans rotted before even germinating, and the green peas are not climbing as they should for some reason, maybe it's too windy cause they tend to cling together in clumps...
At least the garlic seem to like it
This morning we had the first frost. The soil was white and crystals had shaped. I suppose officially everything not winter should go to sleep or die now.
But of course I still have all the year-round veggies and winter stuff, plus some netted stuff
The green peas in the backyard are "main" now
I was gonna harvest the last of the peanuts too, but it looks they are still small... I will wait until there are no leafs
almost there...

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