Monday, January 21, 2019

Receding hairline

In order to clean up all the fallen bamboo and make the "flooring", every now and then I take my saws and spend a couple of hours in the forest cutting branches and moving them and laying them in parallel lines, while listening to some audio book. It's pretty zen.
Everyday just before going back home I take a picture of the plot and little by little one can see that it's getting cleaner. It almost looks like my forehead and how it gets clearer and looks wider and flatter year after year as my hair is recedin.
So anyway here are my latest end-of-day shots...
Just started in the corner
Sloooowly cleaning inwards
Stretched the flattened area along one side
Still there's a lot to go...
I can't wait till I've flattened the whole thing. That is when I can start felling the sugi. I counted them and there are 24 in the plot (25 if I count one in the back/north)
Have still not moved the incorrect corner post. I have talked a lot about it, and also knocked doors and talked to the 90 something year old owners of the land nearby to find out if he remembers where the old path goes, but of course he didn't remember. So I measured and set up markers according to the map instead and it looks sensible. Next I need to get the surveyor to come by and give his blessings while we all are present, and move the post for us.
In the meantime, I am busy busy doing forest cleaning.
Oh, and I ordered some seeds for the farm plot I am borrowing. Corn, squash, melon, watermelon... this kind of thing.

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