Sunday, June 2, 2019

Ah crap!

So...the forest plot. I did as much sorting as was possible, then I saw that I had to start chipping cause the "to shred" pile was getting too big, plus the plan said I have to. I figured I would finish the remaining 1/3 later in summer where the plan says "catch up"
All set for a month of chipping
Loaded up the shredder with 5 liters of prime gasoline and started the day. It went pretty smooth, I had to stop once in a while to take a drink or to clean out the blades as they tend to get clogged with debris. It is pretty one sided work and instead of my usual daydreaming, I decided to count how many logs I would be shredding. I did not count the most thin ones which disappeared through the machine in an instant.
I counted up to about 210 when suddenly the machine felt like it was trying hard to stay upright and started shaking more than it normally did. I stopped feeding it and looked inside to see what was wrong.
Oh jeesus
Apparently a bamboo proved to be too strong for the blades and it must have ripped one of the four blade axles right out of its socket and sent it flying god knows where. You can see the force involved that warped the round hole. I was not surprised though... Just a few weeks earlier a much thicker metal sheet was bent in the same machine by bamboo which I had to cut loose. I guess bamboo is stronger that steel... haha.
With 3 blade groups rotating instead of 4, the whole system fell out of balance, hence the shaking. This machine has been one problem after the other and just fallen apart in such short time. I have fixed it as much as I have been able to , but this problem is beyond repair I am afraid. It was literally drawing its last breaths. I forced in maybe 20 more bamboos before it completely died on me.
I got this far.
I had to go home with my tail between my legs and rethink the whole plan....
Rest in pieces. You will not be missed.
I wrote a very polite mail to the company I bought the shredder from and explained what a worthless piece of garbage it had been. Then made a new time plan which did not involve shredding but instead burning everything. Also I removed the beehive part as explained earlier.
THE PLAN.... version 3
I will not have much to do in the summer according to it, which is just as well, because it is hot as hell to do any serious work. First thing to do is to wait until no more bamboo grows out and then cut down north side bamboos. Then wait again until it is not too hot to burn stuff.
I guess I will use my free and waiting time in the summer to fix things in the garden. I was going to buy a midget (dwarf?) apple tree to put next to the plum tree. In the weekend I happened to see that the last apple saplings in the home center were being sold off real real cheap. I know home center saplings are crap but I bought it anyway. I am not even sure if it is a midget or not. I am not even sure if it is self pollinating.
Anyway, I guess we will find out in a few years. Now I have time to clean out the "bush", oh and after I have planted the apple tree, I will use the rest of my time to divide the strawberry field into 3 rows, and also add one more strawberry row in the backyard.
Da boosh

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