Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Welcome to the jungle

I forgot to take picture... but had I not forgotten, it would have looked pretty much like this blog's title bar picture.
So, it has been quite dry these last weeks and then suddenly it starts pouring down just the day we had planned to visit the plot. Not having expected that, we went there wearing our sneakers and not boots. It was nice and wet, and after 10 or so minutes walking along the borders of the land plots, my trousers and shoes were covered with mud. The bamboo grove looked healthy, not knowing what is to come soon. And the other smaller plot was overgrown with lots of vegetation. Not only weeds. There were berries, mushrooms, bushes and trees of various ages and sizes. Two of the trees are broken in half by strong winds I assume. There were also a couple of palm trees.
So.. what shall I do with them?

After moving in, and settling in, maybe in mid-late July, I will start operation bamboo-cide. cut down as much of the bamboo as I can and put away the good ones and burn the rest. The good ones I can use to make fences etc in my garden. Even if I run out, there are plenty of bamboo in the surrounding forests that I can take. I am sure no one will mind. Then the next step will be to dig out the roots. It is a huge job. And after that, I will be placing root barrier sheets all around the boundary of the plot. I am hoping to run into the neighboring plots' owners while doing so, so that I can introduce myself and clarify the borders with them and then be able to put some fencing down.
I am imagining setting metal posts with rope in between them, and in the flattened, hopefully bamboo-less plot I shall fit in one or two vinyl houses. But it is a long way till that. First things first.

In the smaller mixed vegetation plot I want to grow a food forest. I think it is small enough to be manageable. If I plan it right, and plant nuts and fruit trees now, and complete it with the other layers, in 5-10 years things should be stable. Anyway, it will be a good experiment to learn from at least.
Even there I want to set rope fencing to avoid people walking in thinking this is just some random wilderness. I guess the only people that may be going that way are those who live nearby or farmers who work the land around the forest. If fruit and berries start appearing there I assume not only people but animals will be attracted so I should think up something eventually. But for now rope fence should be OK, just to protect the young trees and bushes. But first I should check closer what is growing there, and get rid of unwanted stuff if they are not contributing with anything...

In summary, my first step will be to study what is going on, clean out the weeds (bamboo included) and set boundaries.

Edit (1,5 years later...) since I have changed the title picture, here is the old one I was referring to in this post. By the way, it is amazing how much I underestimated the time and effort it would take to settle down and also to deal with the forest plots. Haha.
The old title picture...

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