Monday, January 27, 2020

Final touches

According to the weather forecast there is going to be lots of rain and snow after the weekend, so I really wanted to make the plot ready for the next step before that. The next step being to bring in backhoe and start digging along the north and prepare the ground.
First off, I moved the remaining logs of useful size to the north and completed the wall there. There are some gaps but I won't bother putting additional logs to fill those.
The wall.
After that, I decided to define a gate into the plot where the backhoe could enter. To make that gate I found two narrow sugi tops of maybe 4 meters or so length. While moving those toward the south side I had to watch out for thick sugi branches sticking out from the ground. Those are branches that had been dug deep into the ground by the force when the sugi trees fell down. Here it is extra visible where I cut away a part of the main trunk.
Whenever I saw one of those I just pull it out by hand, which took some effort cause the branches are about 1 meter under ground and kept pretty tight.
Anyway, I removed a section of bamboo border on the south, and replaced it with the two narrow logs I had found. This way whenever I want to drive in with the backhoe, I just move those two aside.
Gate is right after the sugi tree
Pretty nice. But the plot is still pretty messy and full of sugi logs and branches everywhere, so backhoe probably would have a hard time reaching the backside in the north after entering.
Needs cleaning
I had to clear out a path inside the plot, so after the gate the backhoe can make a slight right turn and drive along the east side all the way to the north. So I did just that. Now there is a big pile of branches right in the middle of the plot where I moved everything I cleared away. There it won't disturb any activity in near future. I shall cut those down from time to time, but it's not gonna be urgent.
All clear
Now I just have to wait out the snow and rain, and after that start organizing the digging. Finally a bit rest. From time to time I have to check the plot so that no new bamboos or other big weeds grow in it. I shall also keep an eye on the north neighbor and move any fallen bamboo behind the wall. Plus any new bamboo growing out there I shall cut asap.    

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