Monday, January 13, 2020

R.I.P. my trusty bicycle

On the second day I brought my wedges too, aiming to cut down the rest of the trees including a couple that leaned outward. I was pretty nervous but I had watched some videos on how to fell trees against their lean, so I wanted to give it a shot.
Again, I started with a small one... estimated where the wedge should go and started to cut.
It didn't go well. After I was done, even with the wedge, the tree fell in a different direction than I wanted. Although it didn't fall toward its natural lean neither. I simply had miscalculated where its actual lean was...
Bye bye..
The tree fell over my bike and pretty much mashed it up beyond repairing. Oh well... I have had it for more than a couple of years now and it had already been in a car accident and also pretty rusty, so I guess I was done with it pretty soon anyway.
Other than that, the tree broke a few branches of trees in Mr. O's plot, but nothing big. I cleaned it all up. Then I chopped down a couple of more trees and after the second day this is what it looked like.
The plot is starting to look like the square that it is
Before there were more than 20 sugi trees to be cut down. Now there are 9.
Six are along the west border, and three along the south. I need to at least cut down the south ones to get more sun to my plot. the west ones I can live with. They all lean over into Mr. O's plot anyway.
The next day I dedicated to build more wall... The south trees can wait until the plot is more cleaned up.

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