Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Apples and Pears

The new saplings in the garden seem to have survived their transplantation and are coming along fine. Although the two pear trees seem a little bit off sync.
Pear tree number 1
It is hard to tell though, cause right now only one of them has branches with leafs on it, and it has even produced 1 tiny white flower. The other tree is just a stick struggling to make leafs and branches. At least it is not dead...
The 2nd pear. Camera had a hard time focusing on it
Hopefully next year both will have branches enough to see if they bloom together or not.
I was bored yesterday so went out for half an hour in the garden and cleared out lot of weeds from one of the beds in the backyard. I was surprised to discover the many strawberries that had survived under the thick cover of the weeds. I thought they were all dead and that I had to replant using the few remaining ones in the other bed. After I was done, I spread the remaining bamboo shreds from last year to serve as mulch. Lets see how it goes.
I kept a few tulips too
The apple sapling which I bought from home center and planted earlier last year lost its leafs over the winter and went to sleep I guess. I took the chance to prune a couple of weirdly aimed tiny and low branches, and now that it is warmer the tree is starting to make new leafs. I was not sure when it blooms so I waited to buy a partner tree for it until I knew the timing.
Apple sapling surrounded by weed
As a joke, when I was done pruning I stuck one of the tiny branches into the soil of a bed where I had thought the next apple tree should go. And then forgot about it...
Survivor apple
Well, it seems the stick decided to grow leafs. It will be interesting to see how far it gets. It's just a stick and not grafted so it depends on how strong it will be as root stock.
By the way in the picture above you can see a couple of foot prints, I hope they are Tora's from when he was walking around there the other day. Otherwise I am in trouble, as it means the civet is back.

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