Monday, March 30, 2020

Another milestone

The ditch along the north side of the plot is finally finished. First I dug half of its length, but only 20-30 cm deep, cutting through bamboo roots and stuff and defining the path of the ditch...
it`s hard work digging in this heat
... and then dug deeper, knee deep in the shallow ditch, deep enough to stop the rhizomes...
cross section of my enemy
... and at last dug all the way along the north side, and knee deep all the way.
This should keep the bamboo away
 Next is to clean up, remove roots and make the first row. The bamboo slope in the north has just started spawning new bamboo shoots, so every time I am in the plot working I pay a visit up there and kick any shoots I find. The bamboo are very quick, I noticed a couple of new bamboos maybe 4-5 meters tall where there was nothing 2 days earlier. So I need to be persistent a few years and keep killing all new bamboo till the roots die or other vegetation take over. I have already started to see young shrubs peeking out where there used to be only bamboo before.
By the way there is a lot of sap coming out of the logs I lined up... not sure if it is the heat but it is beautiful
see the sap?
there, there, see?

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