Monday, June 11, 2018

Garden update

Pics and updates from last weekend. Soon there will be lots of yummy things hopefully.
First off the feijoa at the front gate. It has just started blooming. The flowers are beautiful but there is no special fragrance...
I hope at least the fruits are sweet
Next up is the rose near the kitchen. There have already been 2 big flowers which I picked and put in a jar on the table. Each of them last about a week inside and smell nice. This one I left outside and by yesterday it had lost all its petals... so it seems I took the picture right on time.
The 3rd rose
The beans stopped producing and got pretty tangled and messy eventually, so I removed them and put in more peanuts. Here is what it looks like when I planted the peanuts directly in the bed, instead of indoors in planter. I think 2 or 3 of them got their baby leafs eaten by bugs before they managed to get established but the rest (knock on wood) seem OK like in the picture.
Bugs in my garden are too hungry...
The tomatoes are getting along just fine. The biggest ones are over 2 cm each but still green.
I keep tying the potentially heavy branches up
After my nagging about the corn, something is started to come out from the tops. But still no site of side shoots or corn itself. Only on the top. Hmm...
Maybe I won't bother next year... or try a non-giant seed
Next up is the string beans. I just harvested the first and only bean that was of a good size, but there are plenty on their way. These are real good climbers. Next time I will make their trellis taller.
Can you see where the bean I took is?
The cucumber is also a good climber, even though it needs a bit of help and guidance. I keep removing bad leafs from under it but still it has managed to turn into a bushy beast.
Baby cucumbers all over but none big enough to pick
The giant blueberry bushes are now full of tiny berries racing towards maturing and being eaten. In the weekend I spotted the first big black one. Very sweet.
The lone berry, very nice size. I fertilized the bushes earlier.
Speaking of giant, the sunflowers are now towering way over me and there is no sign of stopping. The other day they started leaning into each other with a bit of strong wind, so I tied them up together. Only 1 or 2 have flowers but not opened yet. I will need a ladder to look at the flowers when they eventually come out.
The pomegranate bush bloomed like 4 or 5 flowers, but they are all falling off. I guess some bug or bird is biting them off. Oh well, it is still a tiny bush so it maybe just as good not to put all its energy on making fruit just yet. It should grow bigger and maybe then the fruits can be protected too.
One of the fallen flowers and the one last remaining one
The kabocha has been a bit disappointing. When the male flowers are out, there are no female flowers to pollinate, and when the rare female flower finally pops up it is either too weak and falls off after a couple of days, or there are no male flowers all of a sudden. Plus the leafs are turning yellow really fast. Maybe I have been overwatering them. The melons are better. Already there are around 10 melons growing. In about a month or so they should be ready to eat.
Can you spot all of them?
Oh yeah, not sure if I mentioned it. I planted 3 passion fruits in the backyard. I dug really deep and put compost and nice soil before putting in the saplings. They are still not so tall. Hopefully they will start climbing. I also trimmed down the annoying hanamizuki that was casting shadow over them in the afternoons. Poor hanamizuki, first I trimmed one third cause it was stealing sun from the tomatoes and the strawberries. Then I trimmed another third for the passion fruits. Now it only has one third left that is nice to have as shadow over the pond.
At the bottom, passion fruits. Just above it the new strawberry patch.
And more flowers, the backyard ajisai have been blooming for a while now. I just forgot to put up picture.
And there is Tora in front of the shed trying to come up with mischief
And finally, the potato plant turned yellow so I assumed it was time to remove it. Dug out a few potatoes, and left some because a new plant had popped out next to it. Hope this new one gives more potatoes cause it is more in the middle of the bed. The previous one was awkwardly close to the edge. I didn't plant it myself. It was a survivor from winter.
The potatoes. I couple of them are decent size.

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