Monday, May 6, 2019

Garden news

It's been a long time so here is a long update on the garden...
I bought a new peach sapling and planted it in the backyard, just next to where Chubby was buried. I figured her spirit can live on and give beauty to the world that way, or something like that.
It's already got a couple of tiny fruits
I am pretty proud of my selection of sapling. I think I am getting better at picking good ones, with the right shape and that.
I also thought that I should not give up on passion fruits so easily after 2 failed attempts and 2 winters killing the plants off, so I got a couple passion fruits too. Plus they were on sale so...
Third time's the charm
The seeds that I planted are now peeping out, all except the melons which apparently became a nice feast for the crows and other birds. Only shells remain. I guess I dug them in too shallow.
Among the others that still live, worst off are the watermelons. Something has already chewed off the tiny leafs that came out. But the little green baby still fights on, so it is not over yet.
half eaten leafs
here is another baby melon, luckily not eaten.
I also planted the remaining sunflower seeds from last year and they seem to still work.
I have been pretty diligent in removing weeds from the strawberry beds, and it seems to pay off. The tiny strawberries are taking form and the plants seem healthy. I also added a bit fertilizer.
I know, I know, the ants will eat them before I get a chance
Next up are the tomatoes. A bit shy but still... This year I opted for big size tomatoes rather than the mini ones. Less work I figured.
The typical leaf shape of nightshades are emerging
Moving further, the zucchini are getting bigger every day.
Excited to see what becomes of these
Hanging above the zucchini bed is my new favorite, making its debut this year, the cherry tree. Tiny fruits are everywhere already. Hope the birds don't get them.
Oh, come on grow! grow!
 In the backyard beds, this year I only planted different sorts of corn and potatoes, and they are coming out like there is no tomorrow. (Well not really, they are actually coming out pretty slowly which makes me wonder if all the manure and compost and fertilizer I added in the backyard is not working)
Nevertheless, they are coming out.
Corns leafs
Spuds leafs
In the backyard, the other day I met the offspring of our last year's hero. It was sunbathing I suppose.
Baby predator
Leaving the backyard and going up to the compost bins and the plum tree, there are a few plums that made it through the fungus epidemic. They are tiny but at least look normal.
A few who made it
A few more who made it
Next to the plum tree is the old peach sapling, doing its best with a couple of little fruits hanging from its branch.
peaches of tomorrow
Next to it, there are the broad beans, doing much much better this year thanks to me killing off the aphids earlier on. Plus they are growing among garlic.
Good size too
Looking a little closer though, I see aphids have made ghettos and living like gangsters.
I hate you
I sprayed a bit of my special medicine on them and most of them were gone by the end of the day. The ones that remained became food for the lady bug.
Doing her job
and doing it well
In other animal news, I brought with me a couple of frogs I found in the woods when I was "flattening" and put in the pond. But the next day both were gone. Oh well. At least the baby frogs are still in there and growing.
These are a different sort that climb branches.
I think that's about it for now. Just waiting for the new stuff to grow...

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