Monday, May 27, 2019

Summer approaches

...and with it gradually the growth in the garden. Let's see what we got here.
String beans
For the mailman and anyone ringing the bell at the gate, there are newly germinated string beans with their first leafs to see. Also inside the garden there are more string beans where the green peas used to be.
still the green peas are there
In the backyard, the corn are getting bigger and more visible leafs. 2 rows of corn, 1 row of strawberries and top row is potatoes.
The net in the back is where the civet climbs in and out
In a tiny space next to the walnut tree a couple of sunflower seeds have popped out of the dirt. It's a nice and sunny spot so there are possibilities... That spot is like a lucky box
Not only sunflower but a mix of various leftover vegetable seeds
In the bed nearest to the kitchen I planted watermelon seeds, and a couple of them have emerged. Still the leafs are pretty tiny and if a caterpillar or another bug decides to eat it, that would be the end of it.
Hello World!
Watermelon leafs in bamboo mulch

Another watermelon baby
Next comes the huge and unruly strawberry bed, which I will divide later on.
It's a couple of meters wide
Next to the strawberry field is the plum tree recuperating from the sickness. With one or two lonely still healthy plums hanging in there...
"For dear life"
I also have a bed with melons only. They have also just started to emerge.
I think there are 16 (4x4)
The vegetables in the garden are actually very slow in growth because the soil is not exactly top quality. It all used to be lawn... Berries are doing better though. Now that the short strawberry season is ending (At least in my garden) next in line are blueberries and mulberries. Not sure which will be first, but both have already developed lots of full size berries and I am just waiting for the colors to change.
All blueberries in there, just zoom in.
The middle blueberry bush seems to have survived my crude unearthing and 180 turning of it. Good. It means I don't suck at everything.
Next we have the tomatoes. However, one of the tomato beds is kind of invaded by leftovers of last year's potatoes.
It's a race with win-win outcome for me. The other tomato bed is simpler
Just tomato
After that, we got two beds of zucchini growing huge leafs like crazy, and gathering those annoying brown bugs that last year ate all my melons.
Zucchini, with a bit of eggplant leftover growing from last year.
More zucchinis
And what comes after the zucchini bed? The chicken run of course.
Angry birds
And on the other side of the garden there are small fruit trees and stuff. Oh, and of course the asparagus forest.
It's a mess...
Oh I forgot the mulberry. Here it is
There are some big size berries in there already

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