Monday, May 6, 2019

The wall in the north

Why does everything I do sound like something from game of thrones?
Anyway, I started shredding bamboo the other day, and the machine's band broke off... cheap crap. This chipper is turning out to be a total disappointment. I ordered a new band, and while waiting, started to cut off bamboos from the north side and make a wall where my land ends and where it gets really slopey.
Like so
Every day the wall became more clear, and a couple more things became clear to me too... One is, as I mentioned before, that I need to clear everything in the north to avoid having bamboos falling over in my land every now and then. I have to keep it maintained especially during the spring where new shoots come out. Luckily the owner in north doesn't mind, and I already asked him (the old guy)
I figured I will lay down the bamboos I cut nicely without cutting their branches and just let them rot with the years.
The wall a couple days later
 Another thing that dawned on me was that I need to burn most of my bamboo, the thin branches and the real thick logs because I cannot shred them, and the rest because the chipper keeps breaking, so it is easiest to just burn everything.
The wall, even later
I have to wait though until they are dry and the weather also is colder. All this made me change my original PLAN, so now I have a new PLAN version 2.
All bow down to the new PLAN
So it seems right now all I can do is to sort and shred as much bamboo as I can, and kick the new shoots until it gets colder. Oh, and to clear the south east area, which is currently being used by everyone as road by mistake. I have to reclaim that area and clear the actual road from the bamboo and bushes that have been growing there...

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