Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Stupid typhoon

So, looking very much forward to the sunny weekend so I can finish the coop, I saw that the weather forecast gradually turned into cloudy and rainy. Typhoon nr 18 was approaching very very slowly from south and its predicted path, although not even close to here, would affect the weather.
But I kept being optimistic. The typhoon was slow and would reach our latitude on Tuesday afternoon.
Friday came and the weather was cloudy. Typhoon's path and timing prediction had not changed. I was ready for action.
Saturday, still same prediction. Typhoon was still way south and would be around here on Tuesday afternoon. I finished the netting on the coop when it suddenly started raining and kept all day which meant I could not do any more building. Instead I spent the whole day gardening defiantly, getting completely soaking wet and catching a cold. Sunday was completely rainy too.
The typhoon surprised everyone and came much earlier than anticipated and passed us on the night of Monday. So the Monday was super nice and sunny. I got a bit of building done.

The steps are the most random part
My favorite bit is the roost. I was riding my bike past the city maintenance guys who were pruning trees, and asked them if I couldn't get a straight branch. Here is a better picture.
It still has leaves on it...
The roost does not look straight, but actually it is the most level part of the coop. It is the coop and the ground under it that is tilting a bit. Now I wonder if the chickens will look at the walls and experience the roost as tilting, or if they have some kind of balance mechanism in their head which tells them the roost is level. I guess I will find out soon enough.
I was pretty sick for a couple of days more, so not much building got done... whenever I felt better and the sun was shining I took a walk out and did a little bit.
Little by little, the coop is almost finished. What remains is the door, the window, the nest lid and the final paining.
I managed to put on base paint on the walls and the roof too.
And here is a shot of the interior. There are some gaps left on purpose to let air in. I will be sealing most of it selectively afterwards.
The floor is two boards with two layers of plastic sheet between.
There is also a horizontal poop board holder under the roost, easily accessible from the door.
Now, the weather forecast for this weekend says cloudy with a bit of rain. But I guess it will not be anywhere near last weekend.
By the way, building the coop is a real workout, and I have lost lots of fat and feel great overall.  

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