Sunday, September 10, 2017


So, among things to come, the front yard gate will be installed by end of this month. With that in place, I can extend the fencing so it covers a big and closed area around the garden and the house, and be comfortable with letting the cats out AT LAST.
Last weekend for the first time I saw a human in the orchard next to my garden. It was an obasan wearing the complete anti sun and anti mosquito outfit (the same as I have, except I was not wearing mine at the time) doing god knows what on the other side of the fence (I think she was just peaking in being curious and obasan) so I gave a loud good morning and otsukare to her which seemed to surprise her. She nodded and mumbled something and carried on with pretending to do tree maintenance (the trees in the orchard are the least maintained trees I have ever seen, and this was the first time I have seen anyone there. I think this same obasan borrows the field and plants flowers and what not on the far side of the orchard but never ventures all the way here)
Anyway, glad I have put my net fencing there so they know what's up.
The next day, I saw a red car parked at the shed on the far side of the field/orchard, and also someone was moving around in the orchard near the fence. I didn't see the person but it was pretty obvious. Probably the obasan alerted the owner that a fence is up and he must have driven all the way to check that it is not intruding. It must have been OK cause no one knocked on the door or tried to establish communication. And the net was still up by the end of the day. Too bad, I would like to ask him if he wants to sell his land. 😎
My next project after the coop is done will be to do something with the backyard slope... It is just such a waste of space.
All I have done so far is to put marigolds which seem to drive off moles and mosquitoes
I am thinking putting a water slide, starting on top right, going slowly down to the left and turning to the middle terrace maybe in a waterfall, and continue to the right ending in a pond with fish at the bottom, then a solar pump would bring the water to the top right again.
Just an idea. Right now it just looks like crap.

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