Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trees detail

OK, so let's list all the fruits...
I planted the peach in the overgrown old herb patch, as I could not identify everything and there was a mix of weeds there too. The soil was good and fertile and the sapling thrived. Hopefully it will continue that way.
Cherry 2
I recently put cherry 2 in the same herb patch as peach, but kept some distance of course. It has already grown new leaves so I think it will make it...
Cherry 1
Cherry 1 was put a bit farther away next to the herb patch. I don't think the cherries I bought are self pollinating so I need both of them to live and be near each other. The soil under it was clay, so I dug pretty deep and filled in with better soil mixed with compost and manure. It is not dead, but I have not seen new leaves yet neither. So I am a little worried. A couple of the old leaves are getting eaten by bugs... 
walnut 1
I am glad to see this one is going strong. Already branches came out and leaves too. I guess it is because I planted it on top of the corpse of the snake I killed.
walnut 2
The same cannot be said about walnut 2. It dropped all its leaves, and I have not seen much sign of life. But still hoping. It is the favorite spot of dragon flies to sit on though. Almost every time I look at it a dragonfly is resting on its top. 
mikan 1
Not much to say I guess, mikan trees are hardy I heard.
I think it is alive... a couple of tiny dry mulberries are hanging from a branch and the leaves are green, so...
mikan 2
I picked the fruits of the mikan trees to stimulate better growth. This one actually had a sweet fruit already, albeit tiny.
mikan 3
Yep, I like mikan. So sue me.
pomegranate 1
I can still not believe this was just a stick I cut a few weeks back. Hooray for the clone.
It has survived so many hardships. But I think it has affected its growth. Maybe now it gets a chance to actually get taller. If not, more space for the others.
pomegranate 2
I think pomegranate is also not self pollinating, so that is why I have these two. Pomegranate 2 is leaning a bit too much though so I have tied it to the fence and filled in a bit soil under it. Will it straighten up? I don't want to use the tie too much cause I worry it may damage the trunk.
Planted the fig early on, right in the middle of clay soil. It seems to like it though. It has gotten huge.
passion fruit 2
When I bought passion fruit 1 and 2, they were both same size. Now passion fruit 2 has for some reason shrunk. It has a couple of leaves only and hanging on the edge of life and death. I don't know why.
passion fruit 1
Passion fruit 1 keeps growing and climbing the fence. It is just 20 cm away from passion fruit 1 but acting completely different.
grape 2
Not climbing but growing tall. Lets wish it survives.
grape 1
Not growing tall but growing on the sides. So I tied it to the fence hoping it climbs. But it is yet to reach and climb...
The huge beast that brings us many many berries. Thanks previous owner for planting it.
Not bad for rogue seeds straight outta compost. I would call them melons with an attitude. I am snipping off the flowers just keeping 1-2 per plant. I think I need taller trellis.
And last but not least the yuzu twins. Also these are planted by the previous owner.

Oh, and I forgot to take picture of grape 3. The one on the corner of the property in the backyard. It is pretty big now but no fruits.

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