Monday, May 21, 2018

Tora loves the garden

Every morning around 3:30 Tora gets up and start myawling and browling his head off to make sure we know that he wants to go out and have a walk in the garden.
Ignoring him and going back to sleep for the following 2 hours is really an art. Then I put his collar around 5:30 and out he goes for an hour before I have to go to office and take him inside. When I come back from work, if the sun is still shining, I let him out again cause he is going crazy meowing at me. This until it starts getting dark. Weekends is better for him cause he can spend almost all day outside. But still he is just as unhappy the next morning 3:30. Such a spoiled kid.
Before we got the kittens we would leave the door open so he could come and go as he wanted. But with the kittens inside, the doors are kept closed, and I put water and a bit of food out for Tora. If he wants to come in and have a nap, he has to wait for me to notice him. So sometimes he sits there staring in.
They both want to be on the other side
Minion is very interested in Tora, not in the garden
When he is not trying to figure a way out to escape from the garden, he strolls around and generally checks the situation, and falls asleep in random places in the garden. so.
Oh, I noticed that my stupid "smartphone" has decided to fuck up the pictures per default and calls it "supreme auto quality". Basically everything gets darker. Sony knows best. At least now I can change to manual when I want to take picture of my two BLACK KITTENS, so at least something can be distinguished other than the fact that they are black.
Here is comparison... a very very sunny day, Tora chillaxing outside.
Extreme Sony quality
What it actually looked like

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