Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Garden adjustments

With the first growing season behind me I can start planning small adjustments with the lessons I learned so far.
First, here is my backyard. It is quite tall so I had to take 2 pics to cover it all.
I ran out of soil in the end so the upper right wall is still a bit uncovered
I have put in some potatoes in the upper row to keep the weeds at bay. And after getting rid of the melon remains and the weeds I planted various seeds in the second and third row. Things like cauliflower, carrots, salads, broccoli, beets etc. The bugs that eat the tiny newly sprouted leafs are worms that hatch in the soil so no point putting tunnels up. But I may be wrong of course.
lower part of the backyard
I have put in strawberries in the forth row, which I will tunnel when it starts getting cold. Under it at the bottom there is the Yuzu twins on the left, with the ever expanding jasmine behind it. None of them have bloomed. I have put in a bit of fertilizer to get the chemical levels balanced. Let's see if next year we get flowers. Yuzu leafs smell like heaven though. To their right, there is a bed with nothing in it but weeds. It was garlic but they failed. Further to the right we have the 3 passion fruit saplings that grow like crazy. I took the picture from the balcony, so they have already reached its floor and climbing up the rope. They were planted on top of my home made compost but even there I have added fertilizers afterwards. The accidental tomatoes are also there somewhere. And to the right of everything we have the big patch of  marigolds covering Chubby's grave.
OK, on to the main garden and what I am thinking of changing...
The blue tarp showing is because that particular area is a slope and if I pour rocks on top of the tarp it will just roll down and fall off... I think to remedy that I will just cut off the rock path just above the first bed. So the tarp to the right and left of the bed I will remove and replace with soil and basically extend the bed, which will serve as a delimiter. The blue tarp at the bottom I can then cover with tiles. I can imaging it getting really slippery in the winter which is dangerous. Maybe I even widen the bed to make the lower tarp/tile path a bit narrower. That way I can make an effort and level that path so it is not leaning downward and is safer even if it gets icy.
Expanding the bed to the left will mean that the hanamizu tree (the little that remains of it) will have to go completely, root and all. I have cut it down gradually any way, and it doesn't contribute with much.
The hanamizu tree is also disturbing the nut saplings
I think the bed can be expanded all the way just to where the hanamizu tree is without being in the way of the walnuts. I read that only a few vegetables grow ok near walnuts, such as nighshades so tomatoes and eggplants should be OK.
The area between the pond and the backyard I will leave for now cause I use it to access the backyard. Then we have a couple of saplings there so I cannot make beds there anyway.
Will have to change
The left side of the main garden is sloped and so far I have dared to put saplings there mainly. But where it gets level, to the left of the rock path is good for planting veggies. This year I planted sunflowers and carrots and also started asparagus. The carrots were a big failure, probably cause the soil was too shallow with lawn still decomposing under it, and birds or bugs eating off the tiny carrot leafs. Sunflowers were a big success but I think I can put them somewhere more out of the way next time.. maybe next to the fence which I opened up by cutting branches to create a bed, on the right side. The asparagus look like they really like it. And thanks to their big roots they keep the weeds away. That bed is kind of small and is interrupted as saplings are sticking out here and there. So I want to put more asparagus in that whole area.
Oh, yeah. There is this area where the path widens like a roundabout with a mikan sapling sticking out in the middle. Not sure what I was thinking but that whole area needs to be replaced with soil and veggies. Just a normal path should do fine.
Next we have 4 beds, above the big strawberry field. First one is peanuts, real thick and nice. Second one is mini-tomatoes and cucumber. Third is eggplants and forth is peppers. The eggplant and pepper beds are just under the blueberry, so next time I have to plant something of lower stature. Also I should train and prune the blueberry to stop leaning over the rest of the garden.
I still have to dig and make a bed and path behind the blueberry along with the net fence as well.
I will do as much as I have time with, let's see what it evolves into.
I even thought I could put a couple of beehives on the south sloped side of the garden where no one goes. But still thinking. The area I am thinking of is along the wire fence, starting from where the chicken run ends.  

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