Monday, August 20, 2018

Prepare for autumn

It is still pretty hot and there is still lots of life in the tomatoes and the eggplants so I am keeping those until the last minute I guess. But There are still plenty of beds to prepare for autumn.
I dug up the bed near the chicken run where my carrots had failed and also where the sunflowers used to be. I discovered that the lawn that I had buried under the bed in hope that it would eventually die and turn into compost was alive and well with its roots still intact. Actually it had managed to just get up to the bed surface now and new leafs were coming out like crazy.
So I guess just burying the lawn is not a good idea. I was gonna dig those beds proper and get rid of the bamboo rhizomes anyway, so I did. I dug up lots of rhizomes and also all the lawn roots and now the bed is nice and deep. Then I mixed in some manure and compost and planted asparagus seeds which I got from 100 yen shop. Home center had stopped selling them cause apparently they just went out of season and will start selling again in January. But I figured 100 yen is a low risk investment to save one season, and if I am lucky the new asparagus will get established by nex year. If not, I will plant at right timing again.
This is all gonna be asparagus. In the back: figs. In the middle: mikan
Now I know why the poor carrots didn't take. There was a lawn under them that they could not pierce. Let\s see how the carrots that I planted in the backyard fare.
I just remembered that parts of my big strawberry field also is on top of old lawn, and although I have been diligent in picking weeds and keeping it nice, I have noticed quite a lot of dead strawberry leafs and a whole lot of new thin grass starting to come out. Aw man...
Although I am not gonna re-dig that whole bed, I have to reach in and dig up lawn roots here from time to time. The roots are pretty solid and log so once I get hold of a root I can pull it out along with some of its friends. If I do this enough times carefully hopefully I will remove more grass than strawberries.
Lawn under was also same reason why the corn was so small
I can blame everything on the lawn now, haha. Anyway, what I can do, for the strawberry bed, is to dig deep in the 1/3 that is still kind of empty. That way the strawberries can kind of migrate and get established there while I sort out the rest.
While I was digging up lawn for the asparagus I noticed ants apparently love to build nests and lay their eggs under too, so they were not so happy. Finally I get a bit of revenge.
Next weekend I will clear the peppers as they have stopped growing, and make a nice bed for beets or something low there.
Then I will also straighten the pebble path and get rid of the roundabout part, gaining a bit more land to plant on.
After that, while waiting for the tomatoes and eggplants to say their goodbyes, I will continue digging the north bed along the fence.
For autumn, I have got onion seeds, beans and some other fun stuff.
On a completely different topic, I looked around to see how much pros charge to fix my forest plots (Clear the bamboo, dig up all the roots, put in barriers etc) and the cost is real unreasonable. More than 5 times the cost of buying the land itself.
So if anything is to be done, it has to be done by moi. Clearing the bamboo can be done with a chainsaw and I can just leave it there to decompose. Or I can save time and chop up everything and spread as mulch. To dig up the roots and cut them up I need a small excavator. Depending on how much work it is I will either rent or buy one. Chainsaw and chopper I need to buy. It should not be impossible. And the cost will be much much much lower than letting pros do it. If I am to go through with it I need to first learn to operate a Yumbo. Will have a look around to see if there is anywhere I can get a license.

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