Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Seaberry in

Seaberry saplings arrived and after a couple of rainy days I headed to the plot to put them in as well.

Hmm... can almost not see any difference from last picture

I was also happy to see that my cover crops are all germinating and the rows are slowly turning green...

All sorts of grass and nitrogen fixers

thousands and thousands of tiny babies

However, my cover crops are not the only things starting to wake up from their slumber...
Oh no you don`t! I kick you to hell

Back home, I ordered 2 types of mikan. One is Harumi which is supposed to be a relatively rare type with very sweet and tender fruit, a cross between kiyomi and ponkan. The other one is Setoka. Its taste is "highly" sweet and the fruit size is bigger than others. It was also more expensive.
Later I will also order Miyagawa Wase which is more like normal mandarin I guess.
For now, these 3 types should be enough for my 2 rows. Next year when I have more rows ready I shall think about what to go with.
I also used my translator app on the tags that came with the Seaberry.
nitrogen fixer
And all I got was this hilarious engrish:
Apparently a good bush to ride

It is full of hearsay and boasts of amazing things which no other thing in the world can compare with. 


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