Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The dirty dozen

Finally the remaining mikan arrived, and with them the count of saplings in my first 2 rows is 12. Interestingly enough, only harumi mikan came with serial numbers and warning labels this time.

Does it mean I can use cuttings from the others?

I had my usual fun with the descriptions of the saplings and translator app.

Engrish harumi

Miyagawa wase

Almost identical to harumi

Right, with that out of the way, I headed to the forest to plant them. When I arrived there was an old couple (probably from nearby) with their hoe digging around in the grove north of my plot among the bamboo for shoots. I noticed they had a hard time getting into the area where I laid the chopped bamboo, so they mostly dug around the surrounding bits instead. I took a stroll in the area where they couldn't reach and kicked 6-7 shoots that I could find. I suppose the shoots are now coming out seriously for this year and I need to check and kick them on a daily basis for the coming 3 or so months.
manure, water, lupines seeds and mikan saplings ready

Harumi in
Miyagawa in
And rows 1 and 2 are finished! Yeay!

So now I can spend all my time preparing row 3 and so on. Of course, I will need to cut weeds in the first 2 rows, depending on situation, as well as fight the bamboo in the north.
Here is a final picture showing what is where...
Not bad eh?

As the goumi and seaberry get bigger I will have to prune them to keep their size at bay and let the mikans grow big. 

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