Sunday, December 10, 2017

Fence Shui

The front gate. Almost cat proof.
With the not optimal weather I spent most of my time walking back and forth around the front gate and trying to figure out a good way to seal it. The netting on the right was easy enough. As for the gate itself, the gap below the right gate is still to be netted but I was too lazy. Incidentally after I was done with my netting, I released Chubby in the backyard as a test, and followed her around. She walked around in the backyard for a minute and the walked right round the house and to the gap under the gate. Almost as if she had a radar. So that part has to be netted for sure. The left gate almost never gets opened so I just put a couple of concrete blocks in front of it.
As for the left side of the gate, I found a nice wooden fence which was surprisingly sturdy among the leftovers in the shed from the previous owner. Its size and shape was perfect to cover the little gap between the concrete wall and the gate's left post.
Above it I covered with net, all the way over the narrow strip and to the land mark limit. After having done that, I noticed two weak spots. One is that the net which covers the narrow strip to the left is a bit too low. For this, I will just put lots of debris and sticks and such in that area to deter the cats from approaching it. I have lots of small bush and wooden garbage laying around in the garden anyway. Gathering them all in one spot frees up a bit of land too.
The other problem is that a cat can just jump on the roof of the car port from the concrete wall. Again, I will have to put something on the wall to hinder the cats. I can either go with decorative crap like small statues and pots, or just attach pointy anti-cat strip on top of the wall. We'll see.
Next week I will complete fixing those weak spots, plus there is a 7-8 meter part of the loooong 30 meter netting on the north west side which is a bit too short which I will have to raise before letting the cats out.  

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