Sunday, February 25, 2018

Back pain

I have still lots of pain in my back and honestly the doctors did not really pay much attention to whether or not there was some damage done to my bones. The second doctor told me there were no damages, 10 seconds after he told me he was going to send me to take some X-rays and MRIs to see if there were any internal damages done. I told him that I have already taken all those scans, and that they are in the previous doctor's files of me. He opened the file (at this point 8 seconds had passed) and took a glance at the 60+ images (using the mouse wheel he could really flip through them ultra fast) and apparently decided they all looked normal.
I am not spineless

I have been looking at the scan pictures by myself but it is hard to know what is normal and what is not. I guess I figured that if there was a huge crack somewhere that the genius doctor missed in his 2 second glance, I could spot it myself.
But to be honest in almost every picture something looks kind of wrong to me.
I think I see a crack
For example, in above picture (viewpoint is from above, so the bottom is my back and left is left) of a cross section of my pelvis I can see a white line on the left side where I hurt. Is that line normal?
It's cool cause I can rotate it

The 3D scan looks whole, but I guess I have to take into account that it is a generated image based on cross section data, hence it just fills the gaps between and I should not expect to see cracks for example.
I don't know. I guess I just have to wait and hope it gets better, and if it doesn't after a couple of weeks, pay Dr. SmartAss another visit and ask him to actually look at the pictures this time.
My hand also hurts especially when I use it. (duh...)
The other day I was cutting mini bamboos with a scissor. Nothing hard, real easy task. Clip clip clip. Suddenly when I was in the middle of one of the clips a huge pain like electric shock went through my hand, arm and right side of my body.
Manos, hand of fate

Again, my scans look all normal to me, and I guess that kind of pain originates from the spine and neck, not the hand itself...
Here is my neck.
It all looks very fragile and like it could hurt a lot
And here is my knee just as a bonus
Just in case you are not grossed out already

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