Monday, January 8, 2018

100 posts for Tora

This is my 100th post, and seeing how keeping Tora inside the property has been my constant ongoing project, which also involves fences and POSTs, this post is about him.
Tora likes to fall asleep in front of the TV
With the property finally all fenced in, I can now let the cats out. Chubby is perfectly safe as she is not the challenging type. She doesn't do high jumps and in fact I have to show her where to walk if she wants to reach somewhere that is not perfectly flat and clean and walkable. Still she enjoys the garden A LOT and as soon as she hears the door open, she rushes to take the chance and sneak out and walk around and look at things.
Tora is a different beast. As soon as he comes out he goes to the borders and tries to figure out what is outside of the fence. He wants to challenge the limits and almost never spends any time enjoying what is inside the garden, but rather keeps along the fences, measuring their height and looking for a way out.
What is on the other side? And why is daddy doing all this to keep me from it?

Knowing this, I felt it is best to make extra sure, just in case. So I bought a GPS tracker (well it is a 3G tracker, but what the heck, it was what was available in size suitable for cats) and every time I let him out, he gets to wear it around his neck.
Tora knows he can be outside when I take out the tracker necklace.
The tracker sucks at locating exactly where he is, because apparently we have bad 3G coverage here. But it shows within a 100 meter radius at least, where I can find him. And that is IF he jumps some fence. But I keep a watch from distance when he is out and about and try to improve the fence if there is somewhere he may seem to be able to overcome. He loves being outside in the sun.
He spent so much time at this spot the other day so I put a couple of mini mats out for him

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