Monday, January 8, 2018

Chicken man

Finally the tax bill for purchasing the house came and I went straight to the convenience store to pay it. There I saw the cutest chicken curry nikuman ever, and had to buy and eat it. Big mistake. It tasted just as bad as it was cute.
Tasted like it was filled with cat food
So the theme for this post is chickens. I finally got my thumb out and attached the pipe I had bought for gathering rain water to the side of the coop.
Originally I had thought of sawing the pipe along its length into two half circle profiles to attach to both sides of the coop, but there was really no genius way to connect half circles beneath the roof sides to catch the rain running down. Plus the pipe is a bit too big to fit under the roof above the coop door, as the door just barely misses the roof when opened. (Design miss from my side I guess)
So I kept the pipe's full circle profile, made one cut to fit the roof into it, and just stuck it under there and secured it with three plastic bands. Seems to work. Now I have to get a narrower pipe for the door side roof and do the same thing. Then I shall lead the ends of the two pipes together into a water tank or something.
So anyway, after the pipe was installed, I took a picture of it
The pipe is on the right side
Taking the picture I noticed how cute the chooks were and decided to take a group photo of them, but they seemed to grow more and more curious and got into my face.
I did manage to take one picture before they where too close.
Gigantor is on top right, Big Momma is on top left
We like your camera..
We like it a lot... it is shiny and can be pecked at
I found 2 eggs last weekend in the same nest on the same day. Both were warm and unless both are laid by the same hen, I can assume they are the work of Big Momma and Gigantor.
Gigantor egg on left, B.M. egg on right
I think I have given the growing chicks good attention as they are now outgrowing Big Momma who was an adult already when I got her. Hopefully the rest of them will be laying big eggs too.

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