Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Snowy weather was heading our way so I came home early and picked the day's two eggs before snow started to fall. They were still warm so I guess (confirmed also by the laying time of next day) that it had just come out within the last hour.
Quickly ran in, and put together a home-made incubator within 20 minutes.
Impressive huh?
Getting the temperature to settle on 37,5 was a huge effort though, unless I watched the box constantly and open the lid/turn off/on the light, or move the light closer or farther away from the eggs to adjust. Plus the room was pretty cold and getting colder by the minute so the box temperature was not exactly going to converge. After an hour or so I gave up and put the incubator upstairs in the bedroom, and set the air conditioner to a constant 18 degrees, and closed the metal window and door shutters. I figured if the environment around the box is somewhat kept constant (with the air conditioner) then the lamp and the temperature around it will have a better chance of eventually land on a certain temperature. And lo and behold, it did land on 37,6 !! Lucky me. (Of course during midnight while I was sleeping in the same room, the box temperature fell down and stayed on 36,8 but I guess that should be acceptable?)
In the meantime, the snow had reached us and it had started to fall seriously.
Still the garden is holding up
I thought to myself that it was pretty beautiful. Little did I know what the snow would do to the garden until the next day... but that's another story.

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