Monday, April 22, 2019

Invaders from beneath

I spent some time planting tomatoes, cucumbers, two kinds of zucchini, melons and sunflowers etc in the garden. Also sat down and removed all the weeds from the two strawberry beds so the berries can grow better. Forgot to take pictures.
In the forest, every day new bamboo shoots emerge and if I ignore or miss one, it quickly grows to a young and thick bamboo that can no longer be kicked over. These things are persistent and surprising. They come out from the tiniest openings that the sun can penetrate, and push over any obstacle in their way, big or small.
Lucky for me, the neighboring old people visit almost every time I am there and ask me if they can pick them to eat, and I tell them I would be delighted if they killed them all for me.
Until I dig out all the roots, it's going to be a constant maintenance of at least a couple of days a week during growth season, which is April to end of July... Oh well. The more motivation for me to dig the roots sooner.
Here a couple of pictures of the tiny bastards that pop out everywhere.
This one was hiding under the un-flattened part
Everywhere new bamboo shoots, the tiny ones hide under the leafs and then one day grow to 50 cm
Hard to miss when it is too late

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