Monday, October 16, 2017

Post Ugly

Saved a couple of years waiting for lilacs to pop up
I started cutting all the bush and crap that had grown out in the front of the house. While digging out the roots and rhizomes which had gone pretty deep I unearthed lots of grubs which I gave to the chicks who happily devoured them. Also at the beginning while digging around the woody roots of the big big bush with the shovel I accidentally cut a couple of lizards into half, so those also went to the chicks. Pulling out the roots revealed 7-8 more lizards which I let go to find new homes. After all they do eat the insect larva hidden deep in the ground.
Little by little rain started and got more and more intense and by the time I was almost done, it was pouring down, and I was standing in slippery mud. But it was all clean at least.
In the back part I planted two pineapple guavas (fruits are supposed to look like small kiwis and delicious, and the flowers are also beautiful), and in the middle part I put a lilac sapling, as it sends out runners I think and should fill out that part eventually.
The tiny small part I left as it was with a bush... also I think I need to leave a path clear for the gas/water/electric company guy for checking the meters, so that is the track on the left in the picture, still a bit muddy.
The plot looks pretty bare so I distributed some sprouts seeds which should germinate within a week, to cover and make it difficult for weeds and rhizomes to take over again. Let's see if it works as planned.

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