Monday, April 16, 2018

Pipe dreams

The little pipe divider arrived on Friday and the weather forecast said rain on Sunday, so I just had to finish the pipeline to the new water tank by then.
I could just barely reach the pipe coming down from the roof by hanging out from the balcony. Cut out a section and inserted the divider there.
After lots of struggle over the balcony rail
The divider leads only a tiny portion of what comes into it to the side. The rest pours down as usual.
From the main pipe to the tank it is more than 6 meters, so my design was to have 2 long pipes. First long pipe would mostly be hanging from the side of the balcony and supported by it, and the second one would be supported by a couple of posts dug into the ground.
I was super busy running around doing various things at once so by the end of Saturday, I had only laid the first half of the pipes.
If the rain would come now we would get a nice hole right under the pipe
When I made the netting/fencing in the backyard, I had on purpose left about half a meter of my property behind it because I needed to put down some anti-cat spikes on the other side, plus I want to have a bit of margin just in case. Plus it was the easiest way to anchor the top of the net to the balcony corner. So anything to the left of the balcony corner is behind the netting. Hence both the long pipes also would go behind the fencing. Meaning I had to climb on top of the shed from behind the house to access the back side of the netting and attach the pipes. The climb was pretty cumbersome as there was no real place to hold on to, and the shed roof is very thin and cannot be walked on exactly.
Anyway, Sunday morning I dug in the two posts, and attached the second long pipe to them. This took half the day because it involved me climbing back and forth and getting tools and drillers and connect cables etc etc, and also realizing one of the pipes had to be attached to the shed wall because there was not enough depth to dig it and reach the pipe at the same time.
Oh yeah, I also realized that the vertical half pipe connecting the two long pipes was way too long, and for the second long pipe to end up above the tank's top, it had to be cut down to size, while hanging where it was... I had simply underestimated the angle of the "knee" to be 90 when it in fact was more like 120
After that, I connected the last length of the pipe, leading the second long pipe through the net to the tank. Hooray, and just as I was done, rain started to fall. Talk about perfect timing.
It was pretty strong winds too that day I might add, so the whole thing got tested
After the rain, I checked the tanks. My previous tank of 120 liters was full and the new 500 liter tank had about 70 liters water in it. Well not bad I guess. Keep in mind that the two tanks take water from two different halves of the roof, and the strong winds during the rain could have something to do with the results. Most of the rain could have simply blown/fallen on the west side of the house.
The whole thing was completed with a huge tarp to protect the tank from direct sunlight that really can melt plastic here...
It looks silly but there's a purpose to every part
In the picture one can also see the survivor tulips coming out one by one in all different colors...

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