Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bug report

stop making holes already
holy moly
Something has been digging tiny tunnels (3-5cm wide) all over the garden. The tunnels are shallow and the ground along it gets raised a couple of centimeters, and there is an exit and sometimes an entrance. Looks like whatever it is, it starts digging a hole and makes a tunnel maybe 1 meter long and then comes out from the other end. At least that is what it looks like.
I thought first that it must be moles or voles or whatever, but many of the exit holes don't have a corresponding entrance, which makes me think the perpetrator originates from underground. The entrance holes might actually be exit holes that happen to share same tunnel with other exit holes. Now it is middle of rainy season (albeit with almost no rain, but the extreme heat is there) and the cicadas are singing like crazy. I think a better theory is that the holes are made by cicadas that are coming out of the ground...

The other day I was cleaning the small yuzu tree in the backyard from crawling leaves, when I spotted some bird poo on one of the yuzu leaves.
Mr. Hankey
Further investigation (yeah, I usually look closer when I find poop. I am special that way) turned out that it was in fact a caterpillar in disguise. Yucky but I guess it works.
Here are some more caterpillars I found 👲
caterpillar eating parsley
caterpillar eating yuzu leaf

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