Sunday, March 11, 2018

No time...

Ok, so my original plan was to shuffle in some compost into the soil where the backyard levels are on Saturday, and then spend Sunday cutting big bamboos in the forest.
Of course I had not counted with having to remove all the roots from the shitty job the construction guys did. I did actually mail and complained, along with a couple of pictures, and the manager apologized a lot and said he would send the guy to dig out the roots that he had put into the ground, which made me happy. But I had to again prepare by putting up ropes all over the garden to mark where they could go. First day I didn't and I saw how they bumped into the samplings and walked all over the vegetables. So I put up the ropes. It had the desired effect just like when you put up a fence to keep cows from eating and trampling in a certain area.

Saturday morning the worker guy came, stinking of smoke. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, he had also left one of his cigarette butts in the soil which I found later. During the construction he took many many breaks and sat in his truck and smoked with the windows up. Real fresh, so when he came out there was like a 3 meter stink aura around him. So even this morning, except I actually had to talk to him now. Yuck! Did my best to talk while holding my breath. By the way, all those breaks did cut down the amount of time he could actually spend working, so everyday he ended up working way past it got dark and had to hurry and do a pretty sloppy job. I assume just stuffing all the roots back was his way of being "ef-cient" as my former incompetent manager use to say.
Anyway, with his hands in his pockets he looked at the soil and the roots I had dug out, and said "that spot we didn't dig, so any roots you find there must have been there from before" I told him that the roots I found were not intact and laid there in zigzag in soft soil (not clay which was the original soil there) but his explanation was that those roots' ends must have become cut when they dug in other places to put in the walls, thus severing the root. Yeah, right! It was obvious he was not very smart, if that was the best explanation he could come up with. I needed a gas mask badly every time he opened his mouth, and I really did not want to waste a second more arguing with the baboon. Plus I would much rather spend my Saturday without the retard in my garden. So I said "Wow, that explains everything. How could I not have seen that. OK, bye bye now. Have a nice life."

It felt great to know that he would never ever be in my garden, or near me.
So, I spent the Saturday digging out two sacks of reburied roots, plus bamboo leafs in the same places and depth as the roots (Hmm, I didn't know big green leafs appeared underground without tampering), plus one disgusting cigarette butt, again in the same place as the roots (I assume he did not smoke in his truck when I wasn't watching, but somehow missed this butt. It was a new brand of Marlboro, in "good" shape and slightly wet from the heavy rains. So definitely not there from before)
All I can think is: Fucking assholes. This way their business can't last long... Still, this is Japan. The land of patience and putting up with idiots like that, so I assume they do lots of business with people actually thanking them afterwards. I gave them a 2 star rating on Google. 2 because the manager was serious at least, so on paper things were fine. If only the staff who did the actual work were people too...
Dig, remove roots, fill back in. All the while careful not to dig too close to the posts
So, with the backyard levels being relatively root free, I started my Sunday. Of course, the forest can wait while I prepare the garden. I cut lots of bamboo from behind the blueberry, ended up with 5 more sacks of leafs and roots. At the end of Sunday, my back was killing me and I was nowhere near being done.
After top row was done
I figure I can do it this way, and not be able to sow anything on time.... Or I can find a different approach.
What I will focus on now is this. I will smother the weeds and bamboos and get a quick start. Hopefully this will give me enough time to plant:
1- Cut the bamboos above ground. (1 day)
2- Level the garden, only remove larger roots in the process (1-2 days)
3- Mix in compost and manure where the beds are supposed to be (1 day)
4- Cover everything with black mulch (1 day)
5- Cut down trees in the backyard (1 day)
6- Define paths and put down tarp and bricks (1 day)
7- Cut any bamboo that dares shoot up afterwards...

If I hurry a bit, I should be able to do 1 and 5 in 1 day, and the rest in 1-2 days.
Basically I should be able to be ready to sow next week.

As for the forest, I am thinking similar approach (Maybe I already mentioned it before)
1-Cut all the bamboo
2-Cover everything with cardboard boxes
3-Plant saplings

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