Sunday, March 4, 2018

The root of all evil

Hooray! Now all 3 wall are finished and back filled. The construction guys did a good job of setting the walls up straight and proper, but did a terrible job at removing the bamboo roots from the soil before putting it back. So now when I dig in a random place in any of the steps I soon find a rhizome, either intact or just cut and forgotten.
Now I have a huge pile of dirt too
I believe the construction guys were just too lazy. Plus I heard them saying to each other that the rhizomes, like any root, when cut will just rot and become good fertilizer. So they didn't bother taking out all the pieces. Of course since I had told them to remove all the rhizomes they did separate the big ones out and took with them... just the smaller ones and short cuts were left. If I don't do anything about it, I can look forward to an explosion of bamboo next year.
The walls are straight. The soil on bottom right isn't flattened
I know I can't exterminate all the bamboo unless I seal off the whole garden with root barriers and then dig up the soil everywhere and take the roots out. But I'm gonna give it no chance of spreading. Basically whenever I see a sprout or a root, I remove it. Plus use vegetables and flowers as competition... wonder if that will suffocate the bamboo, or at least train it to stay away.
It will be a maintenance but I am hoping it will be less and less effort with time.
If it turns out to be too much, well then next year I can do the complete seal, dig out and exterminate thing.
My other battle front
So, next on the agenda is to plant stuff in the rows. I shall dig out as much of the back fill as possible, and remove the roots, and then put back the soil and plant. The soil is too compact anyway as it is and I will need to loosen it up. Plus they back filled each level to the brim (morons) so it will get messy if I just raise beds on top of those.
The flattening of the long hill on west side is progressing slowly too. But I need to speed up because the weather suddenly turned extremely warm and I want to plant seeds as early as possible...

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