Sunday, March 18, 2018

Tora likes the garden

Tora gets up early every morning (I mean early even for me.. around 4) and meows his head off asking to go out in the garden. Of course I only grant him his wish 30% of the time so most of the time our house is full of meow meow meow in Tora's deepest bass voice. Mrrrrraoooowlll! Yaoooworllll!!! Nyeeeeeaaaaaahhouul! and so on

When he does get out he walks around a bit, then picks a spot and mostly just sits there. His favorite spots are the front gate and the backyard net where he can spot his enemies i.e. the neighbor cats.

Another of his favorite spots is the property marker post near the metal fence.
He just fits in so perfectly
There he sits for extended periods of time, watches the passing trains, the people on the other side and the birds and other animals near the tracks. I bet he really wants to go to the other side. Sometimes the neighbor cats pass him by on the other side.
So much going on. It must be like a TV for Tora.
The other day he also pooped in the garden for the first time. Hooray! And I covered it with dirt cause I was in the middle of covering everything with dirt anyway.
OF course he knows what goes on in the garden too

When the chicken vanished last year, I thought our neighbor's cat must have eaten it. But yesterday I found out the real culprit. After Tora had come in and I had closed the doors for the day, I went out to bring in the eggs and saw that the chickens were all creepily quite and all just standing and facing the same direction. I looked that way and thought I saw the neighbor's cat. But looked again, not a cat.. a dog? a fox? No, a tanuki.
Hello there, thanks for the chicken last year.
It was not afraid, just cautiously studied me for a bit and then walked away calmly. I am glad I reinforced the fence to the chicken run when one of them vanished. Hope it cannot find a way in...
Hmm, I smell cat.
 Maybe Tora sees this little fellow too from time to time, or smells it, and that is why he likes this spot....

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